This post is only for the editors, please read other posts.
Bài này chỉ dành cho tác giả blog, các bạn vui lòng đọc các bài khác nhé.
Front matter
If you don’t want to use any item below, don’t write it down. math: 0
will be considered similarly to math: 1
and jekyll understand that they are the same unless you don’t write either of them.
math: 1
: only add if you wanna use math equations inside post.categories
: categories amongthought
: add new tag in_data\tags.yml
before using it.img
: thumbnail of the post .bigimg
: background photo of the post (showing on shared post on facebook)- For
postssnippet: 1
: use if it post in categorytutorial
and you wanna pin it on top.- Thumbnail for posts in tutorial should be saved in
- For
: authorsubtitle_link
: author’s profile urlimg: hnmkad.png
: book cover (image’s url is img/bookimg/)rating: 3.5
: rating of the book, must be a number, not string
update: 1
: if you just update the content of the post. Notice that, the badge “update” is only showed if the updated date is under 7 days.notnumbering: 1
: if you don’t want to number headings inside the post.- In the case you don’t want to number certain of headings, use
before that heading.
- In the case you don’t want to number certain of headings, use
Inset figures
- Normal inserting:

- Full width:
{% include img/full.html src="link/to/figures" des="description" %}
- Full but modified:
{% include img/full-normal.html src="link/to/figures" des="description" %}
- Full but 50% width:
{% include img/full-50.html src="link/to/figures" des="description" %}
- Float to right:
{% include img/right.html src="link/to/figures" des="description" %}
- Float to left:
{% include img/left.html src="link/to/figures" des="description" %}
Side by side figure and content
Figure on the left:
<div class="row align-items-center img-aside"> <p class="col-md-6" markdown="1">  </p> <p class="col-md-6" markdown="1"> Contents </p> </div>
Figure on the right (but above on a smaller view port):
<div class="row align-items-center img-aside"> <p class="col-md-6 order-md-2" markdown="1">  </p> <p class="col-md-6 order-md-1" markdown="1"> Contents. </p> </div>
Insert codes
- If you wanna add tag
{% this %}
, use alert{{"{% this "}}%}
. - If you like this
{{ this }}
, use{{"{{ this "}}}}
. - The rule: use
before the key-word and end with"}}
before the end of key-word. -
An easier way: use
{% raw %}
and{% endraw %}
around the key-word. These two commands are also used for a block of codes,~~~ {% raw %}{% for %} // line of codes {% end for %}{% endraw %} ~~~
Tips: For a beautiful display, put
{% raw %}
and{% endraw %}
exactly like the above code.
Insert boxes
Terminal box
<div class="terminal"> $ sudo apt-get update </div>
- Warning bootstrap : here.
Success box (green):
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert" markdown="1"> Content </div>
Warning (yellow)
<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert" markdown="1"> Content </div>
Danger (red)
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert" markdown="1"> Content </div>
If you wanna insert a block of math inside above boxes, don’t foget to wrap them inside a p tag.
Quotes I like (hide/show)
<div class="tomTat"> <div id="btTomTat" class="collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" href="#ndTomTat"> <span>Highlights I like</span> </div> <div id="ndTomTat" markdown="1" class="collapse multi-collapse ndTomTat"> Contents. </div> </div>
Definition box
<div class="def-box" markdown="1" id="dn1"> <div class="box-title" markdown="1"> Title </div> <div class="box-content" markdown="1"> Content </div> </div>
<div class="thi-step">
<div class="step">
<div class="step-number"></div>
<div class="step-content" markdown="1">
Content of step 1.
<div class="step">
<div class="step-number"></div>
<div class="step-content" markdown="1">
Content of step 2.
Fonts & Texts
<h4 class="post-more">Information</h4>
- Marked texts:
- Keyboard:
- More link:
{% include more.html content="[text](link)" %}
- Subject:
Hide/show description for links
[**Title**](link){:target="_blank"} other texts. [*(my comments)*](#des-1){:data-toggle="collapse" .my-des} <des id="des-1" class="collapse multi-collapse">descriptions</des>
Math expressions
- Inline math, use
Block of math, use
$$math block$$
or$$ x^n + y^n = z^n $$
- If you wanna insert some special characters, you must put
before this character, for instance,\\{ 1,2,3 \\}
gives $\{ 1,2,3 \}$ - If you type inline maths which contain chatacters
, you must add\
before each of them, for example,a\_1
give $a_1$. - Don’t use
for absolute values, let’s use\vert \vert
instead. - Don’t use
\left\| \right\|
for norms, use\Vert \Vert
instead. - Don’t use
for star symbols, use\ast
instead. - If you wanna type
, type\\\\
instead. -
If you wanna type an inline matrix, e.g., $[A]=\begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 \\ 2 & 3.999 \end{bmatrix}$, type like below,
$[A]=\begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 \\\\ 2 & 3.999 \end{bmatrix},$
In order to use
like in latex, use$$ \begin{align}\tag{1}\label{eq1} x^n + y^n = z^n \end{align} $$ Call again equation $\eqref{eq1}$.
You don’t need an enviroment
to use\label
, you can use it with$$
only, for example,$$ x^n + y^n = z^n \tag{1}\label{eq1} $$ Call again equation $\eqref{eq1}$.